Narcolepsy is a type of sleep disorder. People who suffer from this kind of disorder suffer from drowsiness during the day. This causes them to fall asleep suddenly. Many people who have this condition can’t stay awake for a long period of time. This can cause many disruptions in your daily routine.
About Narcolepsy
Sometimes, this sleep disorder can have a sudden loss of muscle ability. This can be triggered by strong emotions. There is no cure for narcolepsy. However, lifestyle changes and some types of medications can help you better manage the condition. Having support from family, friends, teachers, and employers will help you cope with having narcolepsy.
Symptoms Of Narcolepsy
During the first few years, the symptoms may worsen. Then they will continue for the rest of your life. The main symptom is excessive sleepiness in the daytime. You might be at work or with friends and suddenly fall asleep. You might be asleep for a few minutes to 30 minutes. When you wake up, you will feel better, but then you will get sleepy again.
You may not be as alert during the day and it can be hard for you to focus. Some people also have a sudden loss of muscle tone. This is called cataplexy. It can cause many physical changes for you. You might have everything from weak muscles to slurred speech. This can last for up to a few minutes.
Intense emotions are what trigger this lack of muscle tone. Usually, positive emotions, such as excitement, trigger it. However, negative emotions, such as anger, surprise, or fear, can also trigger it. The number of cataplexy episodes people have can vary from a few a year to several a day.
During the night, people with this condition may have paralysis while sleeping. They can be unable to speak or move when they fall asleep or wake up. While the episodes only last for a couple of minutes, they can be terrifying. Even though you do not have any control over what is happening, you can still remember it afterward.
Treatment For Narcolepsy
The first treatment for narcolepsy is drugs that can stimulate your central nervous system. This can help you stay awake during the day. Two such drugs are armodafinil and modafinil. If you have hallucinations or paralysis during sleep, you might have a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor or a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. This can help you suppress REM sleep.
It is important for you to tell your doctor about any other medications you are taking. Drugs can react with each other.
Some types of over-the-counter drugs, such as cold medications or allergy medications, can make you feel sleepy. If you are taking any of these medicines, it is a good idea to stop them if you have narcolepsy. These medications will only worsen your symptoms during the day.
If you think you might have narcolepsy, please contact Dream in Del Mar in Del Mar, California, today to make an appointment.